Charity Auctioneer | Fundraising Consultant

I’ll run your live auction,
silent auction,
play fundraising games,
host your pledge, and
I’ll do WHATEVER it takes
your fundraising

TOTAL £ FUNDRAISED (as of June 2024)

Clients Include

Goal Setting

I’ll work with you before the auction to get clear on your goals for each lot so I can aim to smash them.

Bidding WARS

With a laugh and a joke I always encourage bidding wars to help increase the bids.

Unique style

I’m happy to present auctions at a podium, my preferred style is on the ground, with a wireless mic, where I get amongst your guests.


With my high energy on the ground auctioneering style I add a huge amount of entertainment value to every auction. People ALWAYS donate more when they’re being entertained.


Check out my video introduction where I talk about the process I go through as a charity auctioneer and the way that I work.
(the image below opens up a new YouTube page)


Find out what my clients thought by checking out the videos below
The image below directs you to my review page. 

How I will SMASH your targets


As a charity auctioneer I offer my clients two options. The first is the traditional method, stood at the podium. Alternatively I arm myself with a wireless mic, get amongst your guests, encourage bidding wars and turn the auction into an engaging entertainment spectacle.

Regardless of the style you choose, I always take myself away, stand in the outcome of the night and aim to smash your fundraising targets on the night.


Getting to know the guests

Where possible I always try and meet as many guests I possibly can, before an auction takes place. I tell guests about the auction lots, answer any questions they have and most importantly I build a sense of trust between them and myself. 

Time and time again the people that I’ve been able to meet turn out to be the biggest bidders in the room. 

Learning about the lots

If an auctioneer doesn’t know about a lot that he’s trying to get bids on, then he’s going to have an uphill struggle to get people to bid on it. 

I take my time before every event to go through a detailed consultation with every client where I get completely clear about each and every lot. 

Entertaining auction style

I have two auction styles. The first is what you may have seen on programs such as Homes Under The Hammer, where I remain on stage with a gavel. HOWEVER my preferred style is very different to this. 

I love nothing better than grabbing a wireless mic, getting in amongst the audience, running from one end of the room to the other, creating bidding wars and turning the whole event into an entertainment spectacle. 

People ALWAYS donate more, when they’re being entertained. 

Silent auction & raffle support

Aside from running the auction, I love helping out in other areas where possible. This could be running the silent auction, selling tickets for the raffle or even creating a impromptu game to entertain your guests. 
If you’ve booked me for your event, then I’ll do whatever it takes to exceed your expectations and smash your targets. 


Sometimes at auctions things don’t go to plan and lots don’t meet their reserves. When this happens I enjoying thinking on my feet to see what can be created in that moment.

My best example of this is when I had two tickets to the opera, when the majority of the guests worked in construction. A bidding war got the bids up to £950, but I had a feeling the bids could go higher. It just so happened that an opera singer was in the audience, I asked if he would belt out a few notes, thankfully he agreed, the bidding restarted and the lot went for to £1800.

About Me

I originally started as a radio and TV presenter in 2010 working for studios including Fox, Universal and Warner Brothers. I quickly branched out into event hosting, entertainment and auctioneering.

I have an interest in business and have built and sold 5 of them previously, with my current business Football Comics currently going from strength to strength.

One of my biggest passions is writing, directing and producing comedy. Following working on several sitcom pilots, I produced my first feature film in late 2023.